
Blergh I have my hair cut in a pixie and I miss the days of ponytails. I grossly underestimated my laziness when I signed up for washing and blowing it out every day.

I can definitely hold my breath for a minute, and I'm a smoker. But when I've quit, it was always cold turkey and not a problem at all. I only picked it back up because I was living with people who smoked all the time. Plus I like it, sue me.

God got it right with Dave. James was his trial run.

Lisa, with the same middle name they actually did give me. So "Lisa Marie".

Compared to my childhood friends, I grew up in a relatively progressive household (both of my parents worked and took active roles in caring for us). But ever since moving back in with my parents, I can't help but notice that the division between the work my parents do is not even. There's this weird assumption that

50 First Dates is one of those movies I always forget I like until I catch it on a Sunday on TBS while I'm too hungover to change the channel

I'm one of those adults who still eats candy all the time, and since childhood my favorite has been Skittles. But since getting rid of the lime flavor and introducing green apple (fucking gag) I just can't anymore. I mostly turn to Starburst now, but I miss my classic orange-lemon-grape-strawberry-lime (and in that

Thank you!!!

I GOT A FUCKING JOB THIS WEEK. I've been out of work for a fucking YEAR! I'm so happy right now you guys!!!!!

The Kardashians are on E!, which is an NBC/Universal channel

The only woman on tv I hate more than Patti Stanger is Barbara Walters, so of course Patti's kissing her ass.

What a waste! I hope it was dirt weed at least!

Uh...and why is that?

I knew it! Funnily enough, I was late for the show I saw, telling myself not to worry because "It's Kanye!" and it was like the one time he went onstage on time.

I love you.

As a Kanye fan who absolutely loved him when I saw him in February, I must ask why!

Not only that, they're going on tour together this summer!

Dude, relax.

WERD. I'm no tattle tell but good lord would I be a bitch in that situation.

Ugh, I know right. This is like that time I put up with all that shit while only being paid $8/hr without any benefits at all. But it totally sucks that you don't get any attention at the luxury parties in the Hamptons or whatever.