Wow. Ok, yeah there's no defending what she did. I was imagining a huge display. Jeez.
Wow. Ok, yeah there's no defending what she did. I was imagining a huge display. Jeez.
Is this a real complaint you have? It's a joke. As in, we are all well aware that Drake isn't your boyfriend and Jennifer Lawrence isn't your best friend and you wouldn't really push Gwenyth Paltrow down a well. It's just a way to acknowledge that this is a post about a celebrity that many Jezebel readers like.
Did you read the section where Taylor Swift said there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women after Tina and Amy made a joke that THOUSANDS of other people have made?
Thanks for the reply! Between me, my friend, her fiancé, and her other close friend/bridesmaid, we live in four very different cities, so hopefully we can find a similar place. Plus, duh, thrift shops.
Julie Klausner over at Vulture is great!
I read TDWP in high school and really liked it. I then reread it when I was like 21 and wanted to scream the entire time. Here I am bustin' my ass to go to school full-time and work 36 hours a week at the fucking Gap, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? That novel is almost embarrassing to me now.
Do you believe in love at first comment thread? I do now.
At first glance, I thought that you said he was your ACTUAL best friend and I assumed you were Jenny Slate and I was so excited Jenny Slate commented on Jezebel!
Also, just to make my point clear: it's one thing to write a song like "Royals", which is fine. It's another to be asked about the song, and then call two of hip-hop's biggest artists irrelevant. Otherwise, it looks like you're blaming a societal problem on two black people you've heard of.
It's not that I believe we should just let hip-hop do its thing without analysis. Of course it has its issues as a genre. I'm annoyed because SHE'S responding to HER critics and instead of saying "Yeah, when I wrote that song I was younger and I understand those criticisms now", she's basically bemoaning the fact that…
This annoyed me: "I have grown up in a time when rap music is pop music, and I do think people were maybe a little bit selective about the parts of that song they used to make those arguments, because a lot of it is examples of rock excess, or just standard pop culture "rich kids of Instagram"-type excess."
Oh, get over yourselves
First off, I'm white (and so are some of my BEST friends!), and I don't hate other white people.
I think I was your babysitter....
And that's different from every other Dirt Bag how...?
I don't know if this is something that goes on in other cities, but my perception in NYC is the vast majority of the people participating are white guys in their 20s and 30s.
Ex-boyfriend went to NYU and lived in the dorm on 9th and 3rd ave, so I am very familiar with what you're describing! Continental, that racist bar with the 10 shots for $5 deal, was right across the street. It was obnoxious on any Saturday but even worse during SantaCon.