
Love my cat and desperately want a dog. Sadly I wouldn't be a good dog owner right now and it kills me because there are so many awesome dogs hanging out in Berlin and I want to play tug of war with them all! And I rarely get to pet them because it seems really inappropriate to ask here. Plus, apparently the correct

Congrats on the kiddo! Also, I totally agree. I go out of my way to try to make my little cuddlebutt happy. I can't afford fancy foods for her (or me) but she has traveled more than 6,000 miles in her lifetime and lived on two continents. She's my buddy and deserves to be happy, especially since I force her to stay

Sent this to my boyfriend and he has agreed we can commission a painting of my cat Snickers Marie as Queen Victoria. Best boyfriend EVER!!!!

Didn't they move to Czech a while back because German was too close to English (which I sort of don't believe after trying to learn German for the last 2 years)?

In pretty much all cases of all interactions in all possible universes Oprah is the better person.

Yeah, that's become my go to. I feel a little bad because I am nowhere near a real statistician. Hell, I'm trying to learn R for the first time right now and can't even get my dataset to load! So many errors ... But I've had too many taxi drivers, people on airplanes, Canadian border patrol guards (all I said was I

What is it with dentists man?! I had an excellent dentist until he asked me about my research. I'm a political scientist. I like the "science" part of political science. I HATE talking about the politics part. Hate. The rest of the appointment he talks about how bad Obama is, how he didn't deserve the Nobel Peace

Don't forget, not passing the NY or CA bars on the first go is pretty standard. It says nothing of your intelligence. If you didn't pass this time you will the next time. My brother didn't pass the first time in CA and kept studying and passed the second time and was then able to pass the NY Bar on his first try last

I do a little of both. My cat has a bowl of dry food out that I make sure never gets too low. But she also gets a half can of wet cat food every day (I don't have a choice about this. When she was sick last year it was the only thing I could do to get her to eat. Now she screams bloody murder if I don't put wet food

I sympathize with Rhea Durham. My boyfriend is a gymnast and weightlifter (oh, and he's a really fast runner) and working out with him is absolutely killer. He hasn't made me throw up yet, but he's come close. And I'm in damned good shape but I just cannot do deadlifts, squats, lunges and the "legfecta" of hamstring

I read the line and thought "ugh, why would she do that to herself? She's perfect." Then I looked at the picture and thought "wow, I actually like that. How is it possible for her to look that good in all circumstances?!?!"

Yep, it's a total Swedish cultural thing. There is little direct confrontation, but lots of quiet anger that you are never to truly address with yourself, let alone the person you're angry with. The most direct aggression I ever got from my corridormates in college was an anonymous note reminding me that the recycling

Yeah, I really hope they are using additional metrics like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc. because eating more fruits and veggies ought to improve those at least as much (if not more) than waist size.

Don't forget about the island full of very tame deer near Hiroshima. They really go after your ice cream, so be aware!

Bingo! She's about 5'10" and was quite slim to begin with (and had cooks, and trainers, and millions of doctors, and a fantastic team of stylists, etc.) so even if she gained 30 lbs, there's a lot of room for it to go around without being terribly obvious.

I am in an LDR and we talk about so much mundane shit. I mean, if someone saw our IM history it would be so embarrassing. It's basically just a stream of cute animal pictures and memes.

The skirt sort of looks like she's wearing a towel around her waist after getting out of the pool or something. It is just not flattering at all on her.

One reason is that in parliamentary countries there is a legal separation between the head of government (prime minister/premier/chancellor) and the head of state (monarch or president). If they were to do away with the monarchy they would need to replace it with something else and to maintain their general

My old roommate used to sing to my cat every morning while she was drying her hair. The song was usually along the lines of "Who's a little meow meow?" over and over again. Old roommie now sings it to her when we're on skype. When we are both back in the US boyfriend and I are buying her a kitty for Christmas because

Shit, I didn't have that fear until NOW!