
Yeah, a friend of mine uses vaseline and she has the most beautifully radiant skin I have ever seen. I read about coconut oil and was intrigued, because the vaseline seems like a bit much.

OK, so how exactly do you go about doing this on the face? Do you leave it on or do you rinse off most of it? I've heard so many good things about it for acne actually (grumble*almost30*grumble) but can't really find anything other than people saying that they use it on their face. I am a detail oriented, type A

Thank you! I was wondering the same thing. Later in the article it is implied that it is as a percentage of women who gained at least that much weight, but I'm not entirely clear on that.

For once, "royals" (using the term loosely to describe the siblings of a royal) are doing something that is both awesome and appropriate in a historical context. At least if they are doing the Vasaloppet. Maybe I should train for that for next year ...

Me too. I was wondering if Elliot is perhaps the Target Chair of Behavioral Research at Some University.

I'm a practicing Catholic. I actually chose to join the Church as an adult (I am from a non-denom background and liked the ritual and that the ideas underlying doctrines are traceable) but definitely struggle with the hierarchy. The priests I have had have all been wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful, caring, social

I know! I don't know who to send this joke to first!

Why are you guys talking about chocolate. I don't have any and now I'm gonna have to walk down to the store to buy some.

You are fantastic.

No, I absolutely agree with the idea that being a part of the state/society requires that we lose a significant degree of autonomy over what "our" money is used for than in some alternative reality in which we are atomized in a state of nature. But your objection to paying for a war you don't support is based on a set

Ok, this is the second post in as many days in which a writer for this website (which I love) has taken to persnickity attacks on Catholics, and really people of faith more generally, for lobbying for their rights to conscientious objection. Listen, I'm a Catholic. I think that the ban on contraception is idiotic, not

I really dislike the new translation. I feel as though 1) the new translations only serve to confuse instead of illuminate and 2) it was an interpretation from Rome/Pope Benedict, not from the bishops of the English speaking countries, and was sort of a usurping of rights from more local communities, out of line with

I'm at an english parish in a non-english speaking country right now. We just have to go with it. It's really going poorly.

My previous awesome parish had an exemption from the previous, better bishop, that we didn't have to kneel but instead could stand when we were honoring some part of the mass (since today you would stand when someone/something important is in the room). New missal, newish bishop, and new rules. We have to kneel. Not

For Catholic masses, this is the one major exception to the "do what everyone else does" rule, at least at Catholic and Orthodox services. Receiving communion is an indication that you share a particular set of beliefs about the relationship between God and humanity and about the bread and wine you are receiving. It's

Jake and Angelina are in Berlin?! Part of me wants to hunt them down and part of me wants to stay indoors because it's snowing and the U2 thus far today has been crap.

Don't forget Germany! Seriously, German bread is amazing. Though, I have become quite fond of Seele which are pretty salty (especially when I go for the olive ones). Actually I could go for a mid-afternoon snack of a seele from the bakery next door ...

Amen to that!

That makes sense. I was thinking it was some sort of highlighting and was like "Do I need to do this?" I like knowing the reason behind doing things.

Why was this inside of her nose/brow bone pink? Like, bright pink? Did I miss that part of the application and the explanation for why I want to do this?