
I think there is WAY more to the story than we will ever know. I'm on the fence on whether Adnan actually killed her. I know that's an unpopular theory... but there are just too many holes in Jay's story. Like Sara, I go back and forth. But, that said, I'm not listening to hear some HUGE reveal or twist ending. I

"It was ME! Sara Koenig! I did it for that sweet, sweet Mail Chimp money!!"

Next year can we find a way to get these Santacon idiots together with those Westboro Baptist assholes? And then...

Giving me stong "girl at a party you wish you didn't start a conversation with" vibes

I'm disappointed that Ariana isn't featured here. Or at least, her admirable attempts at braids.

And his apartment... good lord.

actually, you're right. I stand corrected. 3k per episode for season 2, 5k per ep for season 3. I mean, its not NOTHING but it's low compared to other reality stars. Shit, that probably only covers Jax's Vatrex prescription for half a year or so.

Have you seen their apartments on the show? Other then Stasi's new place with her boyfriend (which I am very suspect of) they all live in pretty meager abodes. There is good money is serving somewhere like LA, especially bartending.

it's the perfect show to watch when you want to turn off your brain and feel better about your life. Also, unlike other shows, like the Housewives, these kids aren't making much for this. I read somewhere that they were making 5k a season.... and not are living the "high life".…

Man, homegirl LOVES to dress like Wednesday Adams.

Just when I thought I couldn't love her more...

I'm really hoping you mean actual little ponies. Please mean real little ponies. For everyones sake.

Maybe he's getting ready to turn bear and hibernate

It's a small twinkle consolation

No prob! I'm not even going to go into what a total dick he was trying to serve him in the green room....

Michael K?! He's amazing!! You really need to add some Dlisted into your life.

Sure. The hate that comes out of his mouth is insane. Like this little gem here-

The shit that comes out of his mouth makes any nugget of truth null in void as far as I'm concerned. Like this little gem here-