Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

I'm mostly anti-multiplayer because I'm bad at it, too. The exceptions are the Gotham City Impostors beta (because it rewarded me for spotting enemies so I had success without getting kills) and Gears of War 3 (2 reasons: 1) Beast Mode is very welcoming to newcomers with it's low difficulty & 2) I've made friends

You need to get Tim Rogers on an article about Bejeweled. The comments would be priceless.

I've never been called "common" before. I kind of like it.

That would definitely explain it. Especially since I don't have a Wii so I don't search out information on upcoming games.

Just to be clear: this post is not an argument that we should all start pirating. With that out of the way.... Given that all of the most pirated games were also huge sellers (except maybe Xenoblade Chronicles, I'm not familiar with that game), can we all agree that it's bullshit when publishers use piracy as an

I'm 360 only for the same reason. There are Wii and PS3 exclusives I'd love to play. There are even multiplatform titles that I wish I could play with my PS3 only friends online. But, overall, I'd rather be able to get as many games as possible and that means not spending money on hardware.

The key words are "a new physics engine." Hopefully this one doesn't feel completely wrong.

I haven't seen anyone give it any consideration, or even really mention it, but my GOTY is Bulletstorm. Beautiful visuals, so unique gameplay elements, and an overall emphasis on fun made it such an amazing experience for me. I should note that the only other 2011 games I've played are LA Noire and Arkham City.

There's a rumor that Gears avatar stuff will be discounted on the 30th, so I'd recommend holding off until then, just in case it's true.

It doesn't help that, since the redesign, facebook likes to hide random posts. I have to go to the home pages of the people I know play regularly to make sure I'm sending them everything they need. Would be nice if it were all in-game.

My only problem with it is not enough of my friends play. I'm stuck on one goal because I need 10 friends playing and only have 7. I get that it's the point of these games to use me for marketing, but it's still frustrating.

"The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is my one of my favorite games released in 2011."

I think this says more about continued pessimism regarding the future of the economy than it does about Zynga directly.

It's not a screenshot, it's a video. And, if you watched it, you'd see combat with them.

I don't disagree that it seems out of place, but maybe it will end up being amazing.

Have you tried Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood? From the descriptions of it, it sounds exactly like that.

I think it's impossible to judge without playing.

No, the alternative would be what I already covered in my original reply.

Because it's A) cheating and B) lazy. Good racing AI drives the track like the best human drivers would, forcing you to learn to drive that well in order to win. Rubber-banding is the developers saying "we're too lazy for actual AI, but we also want the game to be annoyingly difficult." Split/Second is a good

I had the same basic thought. Someone is paying for the WoW account and I doubt it's the 13yo. She might as well be buying him alcohol then complaining that he drinks.