Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

Bulletstorm was a lot of fun to play. I know it had a lot of "bad" language, but at least it wasn't just a stream of "fuck" and "shit." I thought the creativity made it much less offensive. It makes me sad to hear that it made no money, because I assume that means we won't see another one.

Sounds good. Thanks for letting me know.

Usually if you tell them you're not interested in anything extra, they'll drop it.

The cashier probably wasn't any happier about it than you were. I've had a couple different customer service jobs where we were required to sell shit after helping and I hated every second of it. I was fired from MBNA over it.

Consensual fee payments aren't rape.

I've heard lots of good things about it. I don't have the attention span for a MMO.

Only including credit card purchases is a small problem compared to excluding all the other places that people buy video games. Almost all of my gaming money goes to Amazon and sometimes to Good Old Games. Here in Maine, WalMart is the only retailer that exists for some people and K-MArt is really popular too.

Rift is Amazon's gaming Gold Box deal today. $7.99 seems like a good price, if it's the sort of thing you're into.

From the reviews I've read, it sounds like the game ends rather unexpectedly. So maybe he's closer to the end than he realizes. I'm definitely interested in reading his full review.

My gaming budget is really limited, so I can only justify $25 if it will either keep me playing for months (either with fun multiplayer or a ton too explore like in Fallout 3) or has a high trade-in value (it's at $14, which means at least an $11 loss and possibly more if the value drops before I finish). I was able

Super Mario Bros.

I know I'm in the minority, but I did not enjoy NBA 2K11. The controls just felt so unresponsive. The demo for 2K12 felt a little better, but I'll still be waiting until I can get it for $10 or less.

I haven't played Brotherhood yet (just finished II last week). I'm guessing I'll abuse my power when I do, though. How is the multiplayer? I'm wondering if it's worth picking up now, before the community moves on to Revelations, or if I should wait until it's in my usual price range ($15 or less).

I think Jobs actually had more of a positive impact on the US than most presidents have, so that really doesn't bother me. It's better than more coverage of Michael Jackson's doctor's trial or whatever other bullshit they'd be presenting as news (OMG! Coffee reduces depression in women? Yeah, I actually knew that

As someone who's pretty anti-Apple, I can't believe how sad I am at this news.

Yeah, the roof archers could be annoying. I always ran around with partial attention on the mini-map to make sure I gave the red dots a wide berth.


I really don't think the point of the Assassin's Creed games is the combat. It's about exploration and free-running. I'd actually like the games more if there was no combat at all unless you royally fucked up an assassination attempt. Along the lines of the original Splinter Cell.

It's too bad it's an ad and not a fan video. It'd be cool for some XBox and Nintendo exclusives to be in there too. Really awesome, regardless.

Probably not, since it would only be financially viable for me at $10 or less per month and that seems unlikely. Even at that price I might pass, since that's my entire gaming budget currently and most of it is made up of trade-ins (which I would obviously lose under this kind of plan).