Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

I know this doesn't answer the question, but Robocop vs Terminator on the Genesis was so awesome.

Tell those women to stop being so racist.

I'm guessing the author of "The 12 Worst NES Games of All Time" has never actually played Bible Adventures. As a pastor's kid, I can tell you that the controls were fine and the graphics were decent for the NES. Also, you do actually fight Goliath at the end of the David level. That was the ig tip-off that the

The important thing is that we both get to play games and GameStop can suck it.

The Carmine with the sign is a cool guy. You should follow him on Twitter if you're a Twitter kind of person. []

I am interested in OnLive, but we only have one "highspeed" option where I live. Not only is it not fast enough for game streaming, it also likes to just stop working for 30 seconds to a minute every once in awhile. Like everything else with my computer, it's good enough for everyday kind of tasks but useless for

That means that renting a game is paying for a glorified demo.

It's not a demo, it's the full game. The demos are still being released for free and much earlier than 3 days before release. For instance, the Madden 12 demo came out on 8/9.

Much of my games financing comes from Amazon trade-ins. With some patient shopping, I've been able to buy games for close to the trade-in value. I've even made money on some games (EA store 40-50% off sales are good for that). If I had the bandwidth to support OnLive, I might switch to that. In order to play

"the game will include new areas, new psychos, use new combo weapons"

I never understood the point of buying used for a small discount. Although $5 would be right on the edge of what I would consider, depending on the new price. Now that I'm American-poor, I prefer to wait until I can get a game for $20 or less.

Those GILFs will really help you get erect. /12YearsOld

I didn't love it, because I wasn't driving a Warthog. But I didn't hate it either.

1. There's probably a little hyperbole there.

Yes. I'm still confused as to how it even exists. I don't know anyone who will admit to shopping there, but sill they're rich.

If you like Dead Rising, isn't the fact that it's more of that enough of a point?

Yes, you are one of the few.

Or Amazon, NewEgg, or one of the other online retailers that sells games. Some of us prefer a physical product.

GameStop: As clueless about upcoming games as the moms that shop with us.

I didn't mean that as a shot at Kotaku.