Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

Given the quality of modern advertising, I'm sure it will be much cheesier than that.

Ellen Degeneres can only dream of being as sexy as Larry Legend.

It would probably be a bad idea to tell investors that, now that I think about it some more. It's always better to outperform expectations.

As a side note, the term "casual fan" drives me insane. I don't understand how you can casually be a fanatic.

Maybe they'll get lucky and depressed NBA fans will pick up the game to fill the holes in their schedule.

Same here. I liked the idea of the game, but it just wasn't fun for me to play. I'm hoping the new one is everything it's built up to be.

I can't get into the Eagles of Death Metal, but fuck yes anyway. I'd also like some Thrice and Brand New.

Ubisoft's mama is so ugly, Kinect shuts of the camera when she's in the room.

*crosses fingers*

"I'm a gamer. I play real games. On real systems."

Now playing

Fuck yeah. I hate the whole "real/core vs casual" debate. Fuck all the elitists who think they get to decide what constitutes a real game.

If Peggle isn't a "great real game" then neither is Tetris.

Then he says that none of them are any fun at all and aren't even "real games."

TL;DR Version: I am too 133t for "casual" *spits* games and anyone who plays them is garbage.

lmgtfy is the greatest website of all time

Or a Tim Rogers article.

Rock and roll clowns are excluded from many rules.

Only do cocaine if you get it for free.

I thought everyone knew you should only take Ritalin mixed with ecstasy. That's how you stay up all night.

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's a #correction