Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless


Picked up Skate 3 and Bad Company 2 from the last EA sale, so mostly those. Skate has that "damn I missed, but I think I was close to nailing it" thing down.

My vote goes with the group thats excited by the prospect of this being Crash Mode: The Game. My favorite part of Burnout 3 and Revenge.

I don't believe the install option was added for convenience purposes, just to reduce heat and wear. I don't have anything to back that up, other than the way it was implemented. I definitely agree that it would be nice to be able to play installed games without putting in the disc.

Installed discs still have to be in the drive to play. So, yes you can install it, but you'll still have to swap discs.

Spy vs Spy? I had no idea anyone thought that was a good game.

Have you played it on Veteran? Where you position yourself and when and where you move has a huge impact in fights.

I think some people confuse linear to mean "only one way to play through." Games that only present you with one "right" way to get through really irritate me, but I don't mind having a straight-forward map as long as I still have options on how I get past the obstacles. Modern Warfare is the first example that comes

If when you play one song backwards it becomes another song, then that has to mean that it is that song played backwards. No matter how difficult it might have been to make that happen without it sounding like obvious backmasking, it's still just a fact.

Have you considered a career in headline writing?

Right, which makes the original music Zelda's lullaby played backwards. These mean exactly the same thing.

I guess it's because I only play sports games based on sports that I enjoy watching that I never considered the possibility someone could enjoy playing a simulation but not have any interest in watching an actual game.

Watching it on the TV at the pub is still watching it on TV.

I'm surprised that 100% of sports gamers don't watch sports on TV.

I'm pretty sure that the term "reverse racism" would technically mean "non-racist", which I think makes its use even weirder.

Damn, you're cranky.

What Owen said.