Surreal_Sunshine - Mostly Harmless

That will be nice if it's true, but what has been shown so far looks to be the opposite. Which is exactly why I need to read a few reviews to know if it's a game for me.

You can also buy Bulletstorm.

I found the first Dead Rising to be difficult because of the controls. Case Zero was awesome, though so I'm thinking I'd like Dead Rising 2 better.

I concur. I'm a little worried that it's going to be too twitch-reflex based and not as puzzle-y. Especially since I have no one to play co-op with (insert forever alone meme here).

Basically, you're technically right :P

I would guess it's because of Games for Windows Marketplace being in direct competition with Steam.

Good point. I guess there's nothing in the quote that indicates he means all piracy or even a large percentage.

I get the logic behind the statement and it may be true for some people, but I'm willing to bet most people just won't buy the game or from that company again.

Anyone who hasn't heard Sole before this, but likes his style should check out Selling Live Water. No video game references that I can recall, but some excellent writing.

I have doubts about DRM causing piracy, but I do think DRM is pointless since it just irritates your legitimate customers while doing nothing to prevent piracy.

Blame copyright and trademark laws. If not defended tenaciously, IPs can be considered public domain from general usage.

There's really no one who was asking "why" though, just a lot of "why wait so long?"

Then I have no idea why the fuck they waited until now. You may all carry on your griping.

So like drinking heaven in liquid form, then.

It's not available anywhere near me that I'm aware of.

For all those asking why Sega waited so long to shut them down, I believe this is the first time they offered the game for download. No one can stop you from stealing IP if you're the only person who plays it, but they can prevent it from being made available to others.

There's not a thing in the world that ever person would agree tastes good. How you think Dr Pepper tastes may not even be how it's interpreted by a different palate.

All this soda talk has made me nostalgic for Jolt. "All the sugar, twice the caffeine" is the greatest tagline ever.

Quite rightly.

Is cheese flavored orange juice as horrible as it sounds?