Supreme Kiwi Zorro


If you live in Houston... And have a S200... Please follow JB's steps to make your car burglarproof.

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Soaked towel in space... Weirdest space experiment achievement ever.

You forgot one more... Tip #6: DRINK A LOT OF WATER! NOT SODA OR ENERGY DRINKS!

Then you don't understand hard of hearing and deaf people... They watch their surroundings too...

IOS's Music app... Earbuds in ears then enjoy the drive... As long as you watch your surroundings and don't play your music too loud.

Oh good, all the armchair forum critics are here to hurl shit at Hennessey for being a dodgy company or whatever else the old farts are saying these days. You never fail to disappoint, all we need is Super kiwi to post his collage of what the C7 looks like compared to Bender and this will be just like old times.

The boat is colored like Pepsi and those Coca-Cola polar bears tried but failed to maul it to death to stay loyal to their brand of choice...

If one day I ever got one, she would fit right at home here in Canada. Just plowing through snow must be so much fun and she's probably great for camping in the warmer months too!

Thanks for sharing the fantastic story! =) My love for the Hilux has grown so much more because of it.

How do I get one? I want one right now.

i didn't realize they still make these

Actually this is pretty common. Buying a classic or future classic and just store it in a container, trailer or own garage for some decades so it increases in value. Cars can be pretty good investments. There is this story about a Dutch businessman who bought a Ferrari 250 GTO for around 25 million euro's and sold it

That's amazing! Sounds like a match made in heaven.

"No penetration"... No ones going to say it? Okay I will.

Thats what she said!!

Side note: The guy actually shooting is wearing his safety glasses in the proper indoor configuration. See it protects the head from shit that might fall from the sky out of the blue. /sarcasm

OK I know a guy like this. He owns a big industrial lot and has filled it with shipping containers. He has rare vintage mercedes (including a 300SEL 6.3), a 190E 2.3 16v Evolution, W126s, 911s and lots of parts like whale-tails and wheels. It's impossible to get him to sell any of this stuff even though its just

That's awesome!! You know what? I think it would be a serious contender.

Care to share the story of how the rebuild came about and how you got it?

Yes, make sure to wear safety goggles. Glad he did that, I was worried for a sec.

that's the second half of the video... how well it stands up to 3,000 worth of assault rifle fire.

Well, at least he had every single good car of the 1980's all in one place! I kid, I kid.