
No, I mean to the administration. These kids are animals. Nothing short of a .... lion tamer (ha!) would have stopped them.

Why is it that the bus driver didn't do anything? This obviously wasn't the first incident. Additionally, aren't their cameras in buses anyway? To make sure this doesn't happen - to students primarily.

I love you. Just love you. My BFF who is straight off the boat has been promising me we would finish the entire series like two years ago. I totally forgot about it. Love. You.

First of all, the state was acting in good faith—even if what they were doing was awful, it's specious to argue that the state (and the individual actors within) knew or should have known that they were adhering to, what we today would consider to be, a deeply flawed and incorrect social and political philosophy.

Still waiting for a decent (a first?) American language Master and Margarita.

We're supposed to be surprised that the man who heads the Catholic League, who adheres to a Pope who was more than happy to allow churches to start re-using ye old "blame the Jews" sermons during Good Friday Mass, would reach for the old "you have a big nose" insult?

The difference between Curves and this type of gym is that it doesn't matter how hard you work out, you're not going to wake up one day and not be a woman. This gym obviously is filling a niche since Vancouver is so toxic but eventually someone at this gym is going to lose weight. At that point they are going to

No, I don't. And it's really not the same as screening, actually asking people their specs, before they are offered entrance into the facility. There are plenty of gyms I've been to in the US - specifically a chain called Gold's, that are meat-head central. It's common knowledge that women (unless you are a huge

And there are gyms that specifically screen out fat people?

Because us thin folks don't need to gym or anything.


That means they were really old. SW starting putting expiration dates on their coupons about 2 years ago.

Did you miss the part where she said it's because of pain that she doesn't? So basically you're saying "too bad so sad."

I'm sad there was no communist aspect to this interpretation.

I'm glad that you (and the other Orthodox Jezzies) have been able to find a dispensation method or workaround that is appropriate, but that doesn't mean this isn't an issue or that other women are being given the same level of reproductive autonomy.

Wow. Well ok. Firstly, I'm pretty familiar since my degree is in Religious Studies with my focus on textual criticism. I've been out of school for a few years, sure, but I'm not exactly talking out of my ass here.

Oh the minutia of patriarchy...

Skepticism that the concerns raised in the story are misconstrued? Or skepticism that this is in fact an issue at all?

That was exactly my confusion with this article. I try not to just straight to the "this is just because they hate women, that's why they won't make adjustments - especially when the text allows them to do so!" but that's where this story leads me.

It's sort of the basis for all the rest though, isn't it? Babies sustain the faith - any faith really. Especially since proselytization isn't part of the Jewish tradition.