
what are you like 5, MYSPACE really lol *sigh* I thought I told you to go play with your duplos or something come on kid. Its definitely either past your nap time depending on your time zone or you snack time. Im going to send your mom to tuck you in in about a minute. She cant speak for herself right now because I

lol I'm done here, you're obviously too stupid to hold up any form of intelligence so I'm going to end this charade lol. It was a cute distraction but served as nothing more than that, adios kid. Remember to thank your mom everyday for actually keeping you and not aborting you when she had the chance and always use a

Oh trust me I do but the fact that your only means to make a comeback is posting what I already posted is insulting not only to me but to yourself and it's pretty sad kid. How about this, I save you the trouble and post it myself because I'm proud of my words but not proud of the fact that I almost stooped to your

I am having fun so I guess by your standards I'll keep going lol

lol again, an invalid argument from an invalid human. I think you need to move on junior, it seems to me you have other people barking up your ass about you being exactly what I've been calling you this whole time... a kid. Oh and another thing, I know imitation is the best form of flattery but stop using my lines on

Cause your a pussy *DAH, DAH, DAH, DAH, DAH, DAH SUPERMAN!

I hate it, that looks like a good poster not a boxart...

I'm one of those who refuses to give up what I love just because the government and a bunch of pussys say so now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go play Vice City while listening to Pumped Up Kicks.

I love how the guy named after food is trying to sound like an adult lol. Kid, your not worth my time and not worth the 9 months your mother had to deal with carrying a mistake around like you lol. I have better things to do then talk to someone who should have been swallowed. Good luck to you, you're gonna need it.

He's a fucking loser and a bully... do you know how many people at the Nintendo World launch he had there just to fuck with the rest on the line. This guy swears he is the man in charge of everything that gets to Nintendo, people wanted to sign a thank you note to Nintendo for bringing Bayonetta 2 to the Wii U and he

tsk tsk... still a kid, go play with your duplo's boy and let me know when you grow up.

Another person who doesn't know how to make comebacks lol, give it a rest kid. It's obvious your mother threw you on the floor as a baby so try not to put your short comings on me just because your family wishes they killed you when they had the chance lol.

UR really going for that... you found THAT to nit pick lol, I am talkin to a kid.

I put my pokemon cards down long ago and my daughter has my pikabag chair so try again boy lol

My life is actually very accomplished at this point, wife, house, good job and great education... hows urs junior

you know me so well ^_^

I think the blogger is a girl, Patricia sounds like a fat girl name

yes, yes I am and ur momma loves me for it

lol dude please dont talk to me about no life when you're defending a blogger who doesnt even know you, go wak off somewhere else kid

Well aint this guy a fuckin idiot LMFAO! I hope you have fun with you farmville and Bratz games you pussy