
Non disclosure agreements should be null and void in cases of witnessing illegal activity like sexual harassment and workplace harassment.

He deserves a trophy for trying. Maybe a special Oscar?

It’s easy to treat people as accessories when you have no humanity. The talking pile of diarrhea (no disrespect to piles of diarrhea) can’t even bring himself pretend to have compassion for people that aren’t him.

he doesn’t want a partner - he wants an accessory, a bauble, a thing he can look at other people and say, look at this thing that i have and you don’t. 

Of course not! He’s a white male. A white male country star, to boot. Ariana Grande was slut shamed non-stop after Manchester, but the fact that Jason Aldean cheated on his wife and it was public knowledge won’t even factor into this.

Point: Loneliness is slowly killing you.

Read my point again. I didn’t explain why people fought for the availability of the birth control pill. I explained why HUGH HEFNER had an interest in the fight: because it was good for his business. All of his activism was good for his business, which was a hedonistic lifestyle where women were at best free to engage

And how were they meant to warn any other woman when they signed NDAs or were threatened by a financially secure man and his band of henchmen who told them to keep quiet. This is an absurd attempt at defending indefensible behavior under the guise of Well, They Were Desperate, So...

I appreciate you listening and clarifying. I hope I didn’t sound snippy. I didn’t mean to. I just feel sick thinking of the weird power dynamic that went on between him and these various women. I guess it hits too close to home. I was never a Playboy hopeful or anything, but I have been in the position where I needed

That the guy was capable of awful behavior toward women doesn’t invalidate the ideas he advocated: civil rights, reproductive rights, gay and trans rights, etc. You don’t have a recording of the “I have a dream” speech without Bill Cosby, who is a rapist. Is it your idea that people are incapable of more than one

100% the nose and the skinniness


I have actually heard a dude complain that if only Megan Fox were blonde, she’d “be much hotter”. If they can’t get past a woman who is by all objective current beauty standards the ideal having brown hair, they are never gonna change.

Sure, but there are coercive, largely cultural factors in play. When it comes to employment, just like when it comes to law, consent is generally compromised.

I’m sort of glad that my naturally dark hair is apparently filtering out guys like that.

It is bizarre. I think the hair bleaching (tanning, boobing, etc.) acts more as a signifier of wanting to conform and please. Many people find *that* attractive in a woman. #NotAllFakeBlondes

She has to be skinny, too, by any means, and put implants in various parts of her body (breasts, butt, cheeks, wherever), and chop off most of her nose, if that makes you feel better.

Seinfeld played a big show in my area this summer and did an interview with a local morning news radio anchor. He was incredibly rude and was blathering incessantly about Cosby. Seinfeld’s comedy is starting to become a little tainted to me, TBH.

Paula deen has clearly learned her lesson (and by that I mean, rather than taking a racist stance on an issue, she’s learned to have her husband take the racist stance she no longer can for PR reasons).