
The fact that we feel the need to actively “normalize” it is in and of itself annoying AF.”

I love this notion that babies just immediately latch and your hair looks good and everyone just magically comes together in harmony. 

That’s what I did. It took a month or more and MANY lactation consultant visits before I was to the point where we fed easily. It was an incredibly rough start, but for us thankfully it did work out. And we nursed past 18 mos.

This is what we really need to discuss:

Meh. I’m still for it. I think it’s overall still helping to normalize bf, even though glamourized breastfeeding is still hilarious to me.

Wat is the word you use when rage and sadness don’t even describe what you’re feeling?

Wax Idols, cold cave, drab majesty

Just the pick-me-up I needed! Thx, boo! 😍

This is exactly the kind of shit Chloe Sullivan would shut the fuck down.

A public school mom. Buffalo public schools need more money too. That’s certainly an upstate/wny issue as well. She’s also an artist and I imagine she’s going to focus on expanding arts education and funding. Buffalo is obviously full of architectural and artistic masterpieces and I would imagine she supports them

Also seen in NYC rent stabilized apartments. This is exactly what landlords do. And they get away with it because it’s perfectly legal.

Goodness this makes me so mad. Kelly Cuttrone also spoke up against him. I hope that justice is actually served. What a creep.


Finland sounds wonderful. And American moms don’t survive. We have the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world. We’re #13 globally. And in NYS black mothers die at a rate 4x higher than white women. And white mothers die at a disproportionate level too. :( The anti abortion movement has a lot to do with

Silly/Awful as it is, the USofA is so terribly misogynistic that change will Only happen once *Men* are affected.

Driving in that neighborhood gave me an anxiety attack. And I drive without problem in Manhattan. I almost got hit three times in ten blocks. It’s like if Connecticut drivers literally didn’t look. People in that neighborhood just pull out in front of moving cars without any regard to what’s on the road already.

You are correct. The person with the most money and best lawyers wins. And in this case, a powerful, respected famous actor won. This should surprise noone. The moms win by default always is complete MRA drivel and it’s terribly untrue.