
Wait. This woman both HAD SEX and GAINED WEIGHT?!

NYC here. Private, nice , Montessori places run you @ 40k/year, the YMCA is @ 25-30k (depending on hours), and a nanny is about $50k. (40k off books, 60k on)

I got to meet this beautiful, wonderful woman a few years back.

Yes. This in particular :

Besides a babysitter? Sounds like you deserve it!

Supreme Court? #NBD

Yeah. .. It’s not pretty. And I block almost everything political.

The ones I know are all former Sanders supporters who really are up his “corrupt, untrustworthy old warmongering hag” crap.

Haha. Just the first few times. Now my legs barely hurt.

He sounds awful. I’d say she dodged a bullet.

Babe. Use handsoap. Put a bit in your pits. This is only a backup, and sanitizer works too, in a pinch.

You may need Vaseline once in a while, too.

Glycerin soap ftw

Honey, go get waxed!

Ooh Gwen Ifil and Megyn Kelly. That’s my debate dream team v Trump.

Yeah. None of me looks remotely the same. I have a horrifying extra “stomach”, and my boobs doubled. :/

Me too.

Really? I kinda love having 3 sets of boobs.

I’ve had some of my Frederick’s bras for 15+ years. You was a VS one once, and it’s trash.

Just said all this. Went into a mini rage over anyone talkin smack about Frederick’s.