Take that for MAGA.
Take that for MAGA.
Obviously, it’s edgy. It makes people uncomfortable. But that’s good. I want people to be uncomfortable.
that is funny to me because his other hand is enveloped in a device which is designed to do what this bare hand is not.
I’m Sorry to say this but I might actually be in love with your wife...
My wife pointed out to me that the class of submarine they show in the movie is the Russian Akula class. They literally jump the shark (akula in Russian) right there in the trailer.
If this game had anymore unwritten rules it would be called “Calvinball”.
Should have read the whole post -_-
apart from the Coon thing
Sometimes a racist flag is just a racist flag.
“people need to learn what the Confederate flag really stands for it doesn’t stand for slavery”
Yeah, what it up with that comment? There hasn’t been a draft to dodge in over forty years. Is he implying that they didn’t register? Is he just an idiot? I’m guessing the latter.
Jalopnik just loves to shit on any company that actually has it’s shit together. The 2 series was like 3 years ago... CALM DOWN.
Feel free to not click and/or write a long whiny comment next time.
To Much Cash for Dis Much Car
The alt-right was birthed in gamer culture.
Given a good portion of them are saying racist things, including actual WWII era Nazi slogans, I’d say the ones who are “protectin muh herituge” might be in the wrong crowd.
Lovely culture you gamers have cultivated here. How’s your rally in Charlottesville going?
Would you say it was an emotional roller coaster?
Came here to read about a new sex trend. Left reading about a roller coaster. Feelings are mixed, to say the least.