
“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

You mean State of Emergency, right?

Except in the case of the Nova:

They’re both very flawed. Team Darryl & White Josh 4 Lyfe!

Destiny. A game where you hope the next patch allows matchmaking for raids.... Fewer slogs are always a good thing though!

It’s sensible to play Romo. Before the various injuries that have consumed him the last year or so, he was a top QB in the league and unquestionably better than Prescott. Give him a chance to show he’s still that guy. If he isn’t, you can go back to Prescott later. If he is, you’ve got a good backup and succession

Remember that 5 minute window back in 2000 when John McCain was regarded as a refreshing change of pace Republican, a straight shooter who even democrats could respect?

Baseball announcer by night, Frenchman losing his shit bidet.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

“People in the drive-thru ask if I’m JaMarcus Russell. I tell them no, then tell them yes as they drive off.”

“that Wall Street lying jihadist-friendly warmonger Hitlary”

+3 Stormfront points.

This seems like “hawt take humor” from Europeans. I couldn’t imagine an American writing those lines without cringing that it sounds like a joke but lacks the understanding of a native speaker to get the subtlety correct.

It triggered my laughter, that’s for sure.

I guess Miles accidentally ran out the clock.

That’s the joke™

You’re kind. I thought stripper, porn star...

Well I’m glad you don’t read articles for a living!

North Carolina threatens to retaliate by requiring businesses to pay for labor.

My vote is for your sarcasm detector!

I’m a huge PlayStation fanboy and I’m like... WTF is wrong with you Sony? You’re literally taking a huge leap here by being the first company in the history of gaming consoles to introduce a mid-gen upgrade like this, and this is what the fuck you put out?