
I love the spec, I love the Spartan but not Spartan 70s ish seats, I love the sound, I love that they made it but from the back it looks like one of the pigs from Angry Birds

Yeah but the article named a designer whose designs we admired - I would be guessing Callum or Fisker

I kinda like the precedent left by the LFA, which as shown as a concept for years and came to market on paper not particularly advanced, yet every review I have read (and there have been many) has praised it for it's perfection. I hope Honda can do the same

See this is 100% correct. And as an apprentice mechanic myself, I will point out that many of my colleagues drive hideous bogan mobiles despite the fact they are very capable on the under bonnet stuff

You forgot to add Green P plate, overly gelled or bleached hair and white rimmed sunnies, and clear 'monaro' tailights...

Don't do it it's bad for your brain

Fair enough

Because they're cheap and they work

Just for the record I'm Australian, and the stuff we make is usually pretty ordinary quality too from experience (aside from our produce, which shits on every other country I've been to, from a very high perch), at a price competitive level. The good stuff is pretty good indeed, but usually a lot more expensive.

All the comments on here basically hating on the Chinese and their ability to make a safe aircraft are totally to be expected, but doesn't make it great. Apart from some tools, literally every American made or designed thing I have owned or used has been at best mediocre compared to the cheaper chinese stuff. For a

It works in a stoic, cold industrialist way which in my opinion is better than the wurlitzer circus S-class. If you want lavish go british

I'm glad you appreciate it because to me it still looks like a mess 10 years on. On the other hand, I think what he did with the 7 was ok. Looks are a personal view, mine being that the E60 is the worst looking BMW ever.

I was gonna post that!

This is only a story because those people on the flight had nothing better to do sitting on the tarmac for half an hour. Yeah it's not ideal, but dogs are pretty hardy, it's not as if no dog has ever been caught in the rain for half an hour before.

If you want to smoke up and be turn into a moron for a few hours in your own house go for it, but not behind the wheel please. I've had people weave around at 40kph in 80 zones, and people emergency brake for absolutely nothing, presumably because they are hallucinating and it's not very cool sharing the road with

"For all I remember, this whole story might revolve around an elderly woman selling a classic BMW, and she only gave me a good deal because I threatened her with gun violence.4

The law isn't about danger all the time. Put it this way, if you have multiply the number of people delaying people across a given stretch of road by missing when the lights go green, you are then increasing the amount of time many people take to get to their destination - say that's morning peak hour, then some

+1. Also the people who are looking down at their phones behind you when traffic is crawling because when traffic stops they almost rear end you, albeit at 20kph.

So long as you aren't one of the many people I see doing exactly what you described but also holding up traffic by not realizing the light has gone green, then great, you aren't moving, that's fine. But otherwise why not wait till you get home, your social and work life isn't as important as driving your vehicle.

Yeah but a ticket usually involves a fine, and unless your a moron you'll probably remember that fine everytime you think of using your phone whilst driving - even if you don't understand the dangers of distracted driving (and not just that, all the tools holding up traffic at the lights because they are looking down