
I'm with you on this. All having nothing in your schedule proves is that you are an introvert, or that you make your social plans sporadically. The only thing I've had solidly fixed in my schedule since then is going to Bali in a couple of weeks; in a similiar vein, if I'm catching up with mates it's usually just a

2005+ actually - it's a BA or a BF. We used to have a BA. And you can get them from around 5 grand so who knows. But yeah, unfortunately folks are on the meth here. Still, we have generally awesome cops

So cool. And wow I'd love to go to Alaska. I saw a doco a year or two back about an American or Canadian guy who spends half his year on the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia helping raise bears there who had been hunted out. All he carried was pepper spray. Guy was about 65, and whenever a bear would get to close to him

Loved that ep. I'm an Aussie btw

Fantastic photos, your car looks amazing. I was a little disappointed to not see an english twat in a white polo there though

GNX is probably my favorite American car. Right in the 80's dream garage next to the F40.

Imagine a modern day, relatively affordable Golden Hawk GT. Delicious

Lincoln. Oh no I didn't.

Been all over a few times. Small and sad works in cities that where planned in the middle ages. My grandparents went from a chauffeured S class to a Fiesta in one step when they sold their controlling stake in the business, without something mid way as a gateway car (they did have a look at the last A class when that

Europe's car market to my eyes has always been a bit different than what it is in the US or here in Aus. When I was in Vienna in 1999, there were bright yellow and purple and green Audis, Mercedes-Benz's (not just As but other models too), BMWs and so on everywhere, and seeing A class's parked next to new Beetles and

The A-37 is a bigger airframe than the T-37, similiar to the difference between a classic and a super hornet. It would take a bit more than you've suggested to modify tweets to the same standard, though I don't doubt you'd have a pretty nifty little COIN aircraft with what you are suggesting anyway.

Goddam the Vigilante is a pretty aeroplane. And if Putin can revive the Bears surely the RCAF can find some Voodoos packing genies out of cold lake...

From what I have heard and read one possible reason the Iraqi army has been folding under these guys and abandoning the fight is that Al Maliki over-loaded the officer corps with Shiites instead of having a Shiite-Sunni mix. As much as I'm interested in all the technology and strategy of warfighting and

Yeah but the risk of someone innocent getting blown up later down the track (even though I'm sure bomblets are more reliable in their time delay now than in years past) doesn't bear thinking about. Though they are also seriously nasty, maybe go thermobaric? Hideous weapon effect but at least it doesn't risk maiming

China owns lots of US currency, enough to make everyone jumpy a few years ago when they hinted they might sell it. A little firm called Wopen who makes engines for Chinese fighter planes may like to disagree with you on the no engines thing. I think China has the ability to match if not better US stealth tech for the

Hi Harryh. I'm an Aussie and I've read a lot of stuff on Carlo Knopps ausairpower site but you have to take everything he says with a pinch of salt as he has something of an agenda against the F-35 - he makes some very good points (range, capability) in comparison to the the F-111 but he also writes articles saying

Nonsense. This is photoshopped western propoganda!

They gave tax breaks and other sorts of concessions t0 Kei cars to reduce congestion (particularly parking) in cities - ie more cars can park in town.

This is the very best thing ever

Here's a tip - not everyone knows how to convey empathy. I know I can't without it looking forced, which to be honest, 99% of the time it is. If I were in her position, yeah I would feel bad for the victims but if I tried to show it it would look patronizing and make things worse, and frankly, I would be more