A stereotype is a belief that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.... who's the moron now.
A stereotype is a belief that may be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, but that belief may or may not accurately reflect reality.... who's the moron now.
You're basing your opinion on a stereotype. The stereotype is that people who 'sound' like that are around the age of 19. And because of that, you don't believe him/her. You can't look at text and not believe them simply because of how they write. If that's not what you meant, then don't put the two sentences…
Jo Hof... you make no sense. You're just stereotyping.
I agree. The deal only works if you spend (or waste) money on iTunes already.
"Also, general Facebook tip: if you're part of a gang, and doing gang stuff, and possibly facing police scrutiny, maybe don't upload this picture of yourself."
the term "trolling" is plain stupid. And I'll just drop my comment. Let's just stop this now.
I'd definitely get one if it wasn't so expensive. I want a dedicated PDF Reader that fits at least a 9.7 screen.
Soap? So would dish detergent work?
Even if it's a legal right, it doesn't mean it's right. Many unions workers end up becoming lazy and waste businesses time and money.
How can I determine whether or not my laptop is compatible with an SSD drive? Also... do you think SSD prices will fall significantly within the next 2 years? I will be graduating from college soon and I'd like to purchase a better laptop (which includes an upgraded storage drive).
Good point. Now that I think of it, all I took from it was the fact that the agents were exposed. No mention of a villain or plan.
an iPod touch as a phone? Doesn't look like it'd work long term. Try holding an iPod to you ear for an hour.
Um. For Apple this is bad. Very bad. The awkwardness of the ad pushes me away from purchasing their product. And the blue shirt... what's up with that. It look's out of place and doesn't connect with Apple (I haven't been in an Apple store in a while, so I may be wrong). And all in all, don't compare with other ads…
Yes, it sure does. But even with a degree these days, jobs are difficult to find. The new norm will soon be a Master's degree.