Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the third runner-up on season two of Survivor, had a particularly stupid thought Monday which…
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the third runner-up on season two of Survivor, had a particularly stupid thought Monday which…
Listen, I’m all about multi-tasking, and I am totally cool with breastfeeding whenever and wherever. But I’m not OK about endangering children. Ever. WTF, lady?
The physical and mental inferiority of white supremacists is never not hilarious.
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, meanwhile, speculates that Ted Cruz will actually be better about “standing up for whites:”
when are we going to stop thinking it’s funny to make fun of a pregnant woman’s body/her obvious discomfort with her pregnant body just because we’ve decided she’s someone who isn’t worthy of basic decency?
You seem sad. I hope it gets better.
If you had told me that the photo of Baddie was actually a pic of Miley from 60 years in the future I would have believed you.
Marry Baddie Winkle. Obviously.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. :*(
I am a month and a half out from an extremely violent rape perpetrated by a friend. I went to a wedding. I got tipsy. I asked to go home. I was bitten, beaten, raped and burnt instead. I’m 37. I wasn’t doing anything crazy to “earn” what happened. I can’t wait for a slut walk in my area. I’ll wear the long dress and…
Yaaaaas Amber!
Question: Do you hear Jack Nicholson’s voice in your head as you write your comments?
Rovell: Maybe it turns out racism isn’t even racist. Maybe it turns out the invisible hand is black.
She was the more successful sister for a while there- advertisers were busy falling all over famously unsuccessful Kournikova at the time.
Darren Rovell, a commemorative gift plate from the American Enterprise Institute that somehow talks and writes and…
BRB, gonna make some ‘murderer’ pins. And then if a man still comes home with me and I murder him it’ll be his fault, right? I mean - I advertised. I don’t have to go to prison now?
the bigger issue, is that the behavior of the motorcycle gang (in this example) isn’t being seen as wrong, because “boys will be boys” or more aptly “motorcycle gangs will be motorcycle gangs”?
I AM SO FUCKING SAD AND MAD ABOUT THIS. So... sad. Chrissie Hynde?!?