
Wow. I'm in shock about Moe and especially after being lured from Radar.

I'm not voting on choices B or C. Meghan does not strike me as being that "aware".

@Cuteasabutton: I know. I think I'll have to make a new cocktail for the show that night.

@RainbowBrite: And in that way she reminded me of Palin. Maybe she sees herself in Palin, unable to answer the question and stumbling to make sense.

@redphone2: As a Jezzie I disagree with you. I think people would welcome an honest debate.

@TheFormerJuneBronson: I agree. Hopefully people are smart enough to realize when they are being played by Palin's down home act.

Palin's husband creeps me out. And stopping using that baby as a prop.

Wha?! She didn't ANSWER the questions!

Maverick that biiaatch!

Okay, Biden's pause rocked. And he totes brought up his first wife's death.

She owns a plane. Does middle America own planes? They don't.

Palin does shout-outs to third graders!

"John McCain knows what evil is."

She wanted to divest in Dafur but make rape victims pay for rape test kits?

She is so insulting Americans by pretending like she gets the average Joe.

@andheartss: Ditto. I'm sick of watching her evade the questions.