
I agree, this kid had no right to defend himself from someone who was harassing and stalking him. Black people should know by now that they should just take whatever abusive crap life dishes out and suck it up. Stand your ground is NOT for African Americans.

Black women don't GET to have standards you see. We just have to be grateful we got a second look.

Well, that blew up rather spectacularly, didn't it?

Second comment, but you know what else bugs me about his stated exclusion of black women? This guys gets to have this long list of requirements and he's just selective, but black women have requirements, and they're too picky. They should just be happy a man wants anything to do with them at all because who would want

I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a Black girl.

So...he's a racist. That pretty much just ends it for me, period. All the other stuff is just shitty icing on the racist cake.

Say.... is Ellen Pompeo angling for a job at Jezebel? Well back off, Ellen. We've filled our quota of skinny, privileged white girls telling women of color, the obese, and poor "Hey, I'm with you guys! Solidarity, sisters!"

U mad, boo? Your racism is showing.

Concurred. The average person doesn't keep a mental list of all protected species. If anything, her accidental fuckup has allowed me to become a little more educated on the matter.

Completely. It's great to educate people about them. I just don't think condemning Rihanna for hanging out with one is necessarily fair given that she probably had no idea. If she learned about it and then did it anyway I'd say she deserves the criticism. I have probably done a lot of stupid things before without

Unfortunately most people are only aware of them as "hey, isn't that that cute animal I saw in a Youtube Video once?"
Which is why I occasionally go on my slow loris crusade the moment I hear someone d'awwing about the guys. I don't think anyone is actively aware that they're contributing the the extinction of an

I don't know if that's relevant given that I have two graduate degrees and I've never heard of a Slow Loris, but I agree that unless the handler told her (and why would s/he) she probably had no idea.


Is there any reason to think she knew it was an endangered species? I definitely didn't. If someone handed me a cute and non lethal animal I would probably cuddle it before asking its relative position in the animal kingdom

My favourite part is how the guy so desperately tries to avoid saying "do it like a sassy black chick."

I think it's lovely and all that Jezebel seems so concerned about runway modelling diversifying, but, ummmm, what about the full-time writing staff at Jezebel? Perhaps I'm confused but I can only count one (Dodai) PoC on the writing staff.

Some people say that diversity is represented by Asian models, even if there are no black or latina models, but the Asian women selected invariably have pale skin - shows aren't included Indian or Thai women for example - and are often worryingly exoticised. It's not a step forward to include Asian models who "fit the

Meanwhile, erstwhile model Aaryn Gries maintained her position that black people just whine and stick together to get things they don't deserve.

If this is the only thing the Kardashians ever truly give us it will still all have been worth it. No, not all women want anal. If you aren't willing to try it, then why should I?

I'm Canadian and I've said this before and I'll say it again - Read the comments section of ANY Canadian paper (and I mean any - G&M, Post, TO Star, etc.) when they publish ANY story (again, any) on immigrants, People of Colour, Muslims, Sikhs, Indigenous peoples or refugees, the majority of the comments will be