I hope not. It's awesome.
I hope not. It's awesome.
Yep. And the 3D is worth it this time. The bath scene was wonderful. If anything they didn't use the slo-mo enough.
You read my mind.
Yup. He's a total loser who never made any money, has a cheap car and a tiny house.
I'll wager that's one reason she did it - they guys she knows think the same as you!
Actually, since Giz doesn't have italics for emphasis in the text... :p
That's quite all right, your highness.
The sad thing is, if he did this in the UK (and US I bet) he'd get in trouble quicksmart.
I've got a chair I bought from Argos.
Toothpaste works well. I've used it many, many times. Never heard of baking soda though.
Who plays Left 4 Dead or Portal and watches tv at the same time?
There's making life easier and there's being a precious little princess.
So this is like, years old.
That's because its amazing.
This must be the most First World Problems that Lifehacker has ever got.
I've done it, but I shouldn't have to GEDify a device that is supposed to be a GED, should I?
I'd need a hardware and software comparison first.
I call bs.
Might be useful for them to upgrade the UK Xoom wifi version, a GED device supposedly, to ICS first.