Technically you're correct - paralyizing agents (neuromuscular blockers to be exact) are used, but everyone calls them relaxants anyway. And yeah, pulse and BP would go up a lot if a patient was aware but paralyized.
Technically you're correct - paralyizing agents (neuromuscular blockers to be exact) are used, but everyone calls them relaxants anyway. And yeah, pulse and BP would go up a lot if a patient was aware but paralyized.
We still do ECT. It works.
Yup. It's been in there forever.
You should be sorry about Serenity even more then. T2 to go through and T1 not? What?
Blade Runner ftw. Out of all the options Blade Runner and Alien are (were) the only two serious sci-fi films in this. Everything else has an amount of cheese that I can't get over, much as a love many of them, even Empire.
Ok, Empire vs Aliens = Empire, fine. But Star Wars vs Alien? Come on.
The tech isn't working quite properly is it?
The strange thing is before I read about this on Kotaku everything I read mentioned Move.
In the UK I think you'd get arrested if found carrying this. Cool though.
You know, I love RoboCop. It's one of the great action films of the 80s with a fantastic script (that me and my friends still quote to this day) and the perfect amount of self-knowing tongue-in-cheek. Clarence is one of the greatest bad guys of all time and the film even has an interesting emotional undercurrent what…
What the shit took them so long?
@trs: roflcraft coming into harbour!
@Lovick: I can't find it either
@Missing_link: This was and is far superior. And there is a hint of this in the Star Trek track for sure.
@Chumley Marchbanks: Ha ha. That would be fantastic.
@ArcaneDigital: Ha ha. Trooo