

Working relationship between supers? Got you covered.

Admittedly I haven't actually read one in a long time. Though I did get my son a subscription last year, nostalgia brimming inside me. It was a big part of my childhood, and even though I haven't read it in a long time, this adds a bit of finality to what I probably knew deep down anyway. It's a bit sad, when times

Disney put out an Incredible Machine app not too long ago. You only get puzzles, as far as I've found there's no free-mode, which is what I was hoping for. But it's still fun.

It's definitely not perfect, even with static IP addresses. On the plus side I found that someone at work downloaded Twilight Breaking Dawn...

iLearn Piano is 1.99 today... which is not only not free but up from the .99 that the app-aholic site lists it as.