

Seriously. A family member owns businesses there, and it is the f'ing wild west. Just about anyone can make a fortune w/ the right connections.

I hope the posts on here about the govn't coming after her are poor attempts at irony. Folks are stupid; Chinese is communist in name only.

Skrtel will be breaking into that group by the end of next season if he isn't displaced from the starting XI.

If any of that shit exists, drawing districts definitely is the work of Satan. No way that district isn't a product of some shady dealing (whether Republic or Dem I have no idea).

Huge Russophile here. Beautiful people and culture. Totally batshit, autocratic rulers for too, too long.

+1 Fulton County Stadium fire.

Reading people's comments about the influence of "hip hop culture" makes my brain hurt. HIDE YOUR KIDS; HIDE YOUR WIFE.

+ 0.08

I don't believe her for a second.

No snark on this one. Good luck to him.

Only thing that made the wknd palatable after LFC sh-t the bed on Saturday. Thanks, Jose.


Cheering for 'hawks now, despite disliking Carroll.

That f'ing sucks. Will be missed this summer.

Awesome. Thanks.

Point nullified by the fact she is a reality-tv, fame-mongering piece-of-shit. But, yeah, I get what you're saying.

Risking opprobrium: same level of gang rapes? Source? Honestly curious; definitely willing to concede the modern media makes it easier to actually hear about it, and also not pretending the 50's (or now) in America, particularly the South, didn't have equally serious problems. Just not something I've read about.

Or you're fucking missing the joke, as in: he's lucky Crittendon didn't shoot him.