
No it isn't and won't be until they're found liable for covering up the danger and institutionally failing to protect their labor force. After that happens it might be argued that they should mandate a higher base level of (less unsafe) helmet.

No, b/c mandating them would contradict the junk science studies the NFL paid for to say concussions don't cause permanent damage.

Was pretty pissed about the Viper's fate. The Martells are f'ing cool.

Not as close as Tsunade's.....

Might steal "intellectual sycophancy downward spiral"....

Best I ever saw.

It would be nice if opposition fans would make a concerted, stadium-wide effort to mercilessly heckle the shit out of him and him alone during L'ville road games. Fuck this guy (disclosure: Atlantan). He's such a f'ing weak bastard; sooner or later he would break on national tv. It would be glorious.


Only b/c someone else already posted Redwall.

I read these while in grad school on a whim; I think they hold up into adulthood.


I hate read Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead just so no one could spit back "you haven't read them" at me.

HAH. Too true.

Go to Cheesecake Factory, order a coffee, and try not to swear food off for the rest of your life while you watch the livestock clean their dinner and dessert plates while simultaneously checking their insulin pumps. Disgusting.

Duke Duke.

In this one it will be hard if he didn't testify against them in some kind of EEOC suit or if MN law isn't different from most states / Fed law. He could theoretically make a first amendment claim under the fourteenth amendment, maybe, but that would be a f'ing huge stretch. There's not much he can do unless MN law

Too true.

Or, you know, rich folk'll get richer and poor folk'll get poorer.

Talkin bout a little disco-tech nestled in the ghetto....

Can't disagree.