
I don’t think Cooper sounded condescending at all. He asked a straightforward question about a very difficult goal of 0 carbon emissions in 12 years.
I agree that AOC will have to sit through some shit interviews because of her views
I just don’t agree that this is one of those times (at least based on the content of

our continued reading of articles like this and commenting (regardless of the content of the comment) are the exact reason we get these articles.  

I’m absolutely sure sober life is better for them...they had a problem.  More specifically they had a problem with drinking

To live in Georgia and not know how to make a roux. Her parents must be heartbroken

white-collar tech worker in NYC...and you damn right

TIL my whiteness is part to blame for my love of puns.  I always assumed it was just because im corny as hell

Shit i thought all the D5 hashtags we’re about a new Mighty Ducks movie. For those wondering about D4 Fulton Reed used the money from his Jr Goodwill Games endorsements from D2 to get into a prestigious law school after D3 and found his real parents the Nelsons in Hell’s Kitchen.

Unsecured loads are dangerous. Just ask my five kids

If he was white would I have alerted the authorities? Probably. A woman? Possibly. If he was black? Absolutely not. Strangely, in the end, it wasn’t as much race that drove my decision as the fact that I’m a college professor, he looked like a student, and I didn’t want to potentially ruin his life over a petty

You’re generally considered an asshole aren’t you?

It has been my personal experience that Jewish persons (mostly orthodox) I’ve discussed this with would never label me an anti-Semite for my views on Israeli policy but they’ve expressed that if they heard the same thing from someone they didn’t know they might be inclined to believe they’re an anti-Semite

Yeah they could have just said its “fake news” and avoided all of the double speak.  We all know what fake news is code for

If i make a salad with Romaine at home I remove the stem and get SOOOO MUCH SHIT for it. You know who taught me to do that? Emeril Muthafuckin’ Legasse.  Romaine is easily the second worst lettuce next to iceberg 

I feel like this is every amateur robbery story. Like I imagine a guy down on his luck trying to tell this story at his sentencing hearing in court.

we get it bro you love socialism

I don’t disagree that the left has put forth less than stellar candidates, however I’m curious what you’d actually expect from a former president in a rally the vote speech. Its clear low youth voter turnout (voter indifference) has handed elections to the right.
Demonizing the right does not result in better turnout.

There’s something magical about a mental health sick day.  You can take the day off but you’re not maligned by physical illness symptoms.  My mental health day might include sitting by the water and enjoying an ice cream on a nice day.  It is by far the best use of a sick day if you have one to spare.

okay but they had the video throwing the beer on the A’s fan which you ignored.  My point is that Deadspin throws shade at bad fans everywhere.  I say this as a Pats fan from MASS.  Our fans can be problematic.  I’d be hard pressed to find a group of humble drunk football fans for a team thats held the top of the

my mistake they had the A’s fan incident.  So yes in this one example you’ve given they did not write about it.  But they rail on fans from all over.  I mean just look at all the smoke about Bills fans tailgating lol

it was there...i think Deadspin does a pretty good calling out assholes around the country