

The most galling part is that this keeps ACA subsidies while removing the tax so its basically just a shittier less effective ACA with a massive Tax Cut

it definitely lacks some punch if you’re not familiar with the show or like that particular brand of comedy. But like posters above have stated the game is solid on its own so if you’re a fan of RPGs its going to be a fun game and probably very cheap now

except drugging someone and engaging in intercourse is theres that you half-assed troll fuckwit

my white hot take from this is that she just doesn’t sound deep in her opinions on a lot of the issues. Just that shes in this hippie loving vibe.

The hottest of takes :)

how dare you bring D&D into this? Don’t you sully the name of this honored past time you uncultured swine!

As a red sox fan and boston native im sorry for my city and people. We tend to suck especially when related to racial sensitivity.

lol yeah thats exactly what i was thinking. After I wrote the comment I was thinking...boring is what probably makes for the best ACTUAL NEWS. You’re right none of this is normal

Congressman Seth Moulton from the great commonwealth of Massachusetts?

anyone recognize the card throwing cowboy hat wearing badass from the first videos menu image?

Looks a lot like Twisted Fate from LoL to me

That’s it?!?!?!?!?!?

Sorry folks, but if I would have relied on the Fake News of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, washpost or nytimes, I would have had ZERO chance winning WH

Well sure I mean can we agree the interview and question were not the problem? The problem was the victimhood and putting his black cameraman on blast so he can turn around and go, “See im a liberal and my black cameraman thinks what she did was wrong”

yeah that line was pure diamond

At no point in that mans head did he think, “Hey self, I shouldn’t make a joke while debating the end of healthcare for 20 million plus people”

Fucking disgraceful

see he fucked up with the second part of that statement. He could have been “technically right” by just saying nothing in the bill says that.

These are bad people AND bad politicians. How do they keep getting elected?!?!?!

I’d argue that middle class to upper middle class whites we’re always going to vote republican. As a upper middle class white dude working with upper middle class white dudes I can tell you some of the most outwardly liberal when it comes to social policy will think with their wallet when push comes to shove. People

For me it was the October surprise with Comey and the letter. I knew so many Bernie supporters and Libertarians talking about voting third party and I felt regardless of the outcome it was another chance for them to talk about voting with their gut or not supporting government dynasties or some other bs reason when

So true. I’m sure the words “He was one of the good ones” have been said several times in media outlets and in discussions about this. Whether its meant in malice or not the reality is when you (not you but the global you) talk about someone this way you’re still showing a negative viewpoint towards people of the