
my mama never had to tell me anyone deserved rights. But i remember being young and hearing stories of racism and how much more it hurt that it was a friend going through it. I don’t think up until that point I was a racist child, I think the closeness to someone dealing with it while i was learning about it

But we’re not arguing whether Dave believes women deserve equal rights we’re arguing perspective on reaching that conclusion and you’re trying to put a narrative to short statement. Let me ask you this question then. If a person is trying to explain equal rights to a child and he/she says women deserve rights

Yeah its a dicey territory. Any comedian will tell you you always take a risk talking about rape because its with near certainty that someone in the audience has been affected by rape and likely that a fellow comic on the card has been affected by rape as well

I think this characterization is a little unfair. You make it seem like he only values women with whom he has a relationship to. Isn’t it just as plausible that the women in his life helped him with the understanding that all women are important with intrinsic value. Contrary to your belief not everyone grows up in

fair enough. i rescind my objection. :)

as a well intentioned well spoken liberal I find it offensive you’d lump a delicious grain breakfast (perfect sweet or savory) with crazy republicans

it was protesting the current practices in government that contribute to special interests controlling large swaths of legislation and enabling the rich to get richer off the backs of poor people. Just because it didn’t have an end game doesnt mean the protest didn’t have a point.

as for the conservative protests

that was a protest against the obama administration...

So liberal protests are mainstream crazies and conservative protests are fringe crazies...

i’m just going to go now...

People can believe whatever they want, it doesnt make it right. In order to make the argument about competence we’d have to identify the skills to be president and evidence of how those skills were used to execute the task. Thats a long road I can’t really go down at work though lol

Thats not a crazy stance. The 9th Circuit is too large and it was staffed by democratic presidents. However the 9th circuit has a lower overturn rate than the median percentage for all circuit courts. The Supreme Court overturns the 9th circuit about 10% more than the median percentage of all SC overrulings. So

I would never say republicans weren’t complaining However we didn’t have rally’s, call out of work, or parades because we lost the election. That bit of embarrassment is all liberals.

If you think all republicans are behind the AHCA then you need to reevaluate your news sources. Many congressional republicans hate this thing and Trumps admin will need at least some of their support in order to pass this thing.

Also I find it hilarious that rather than try to understand how people with decades of

idk if i buy that. I’m sure some presidents have been as dumb and perhaps dumber than this guy; however this is not a normal presidency. It revels in its lack of intellectual curiosity. There are plenty of reasons to disagree with the policies of Presidents Obama, Clinton, H.W Bush, Reagan but I don’t think most

Because a woefully incompetent person shouldn’t run a country for one lol.

B+ trolling effort

the cake is a lie

hot take guy, did you pull that opinion from breitbart or the narrowest darkest corner of your puckered asshole :)

I mean lets be completely honest...hes tried to do stuff the stuff hes tried to do people hate.
Muslim ban 1: lost in courts
AHCA: losing in the court of public opinion (will likely never make it out of the house)
Muslim ban 2: temporary suspension

0 for 3 and its been 2 months

Deadspin is for sports - they’ve decided to include ESports. This isn’t a difficult concept. Your quote regarding the courthouse is representation of state sponsored religion and is therefore completely different. As far as Kotaku posting ball sports, this actually does happen if the sports star happens to be a