this is what I learned on...still a coder 12 years later
this is what I learned on...still a coder 12 years later
Seeing as how you'll never be an NFL punter again, I suggest you continue writing. You're pretty good at it.
I want to start my own business, but he told me black people can't run a successful business without a white partner.
the very same woman from the Derby recounts a story of how, when she was on the private jet of her married lover (the one she met playing blackjack at the Kentucky Derby), she told him about how she discovered her husband was cheating on her with a stripper, and so she got revenge by going to that stripper's strip…
Batman & Robin (scurry away in shame)
Skins fan and a friend had been "cussing and yelling" at the Cowboys, and according to the source, they were clearly drunk.
That actually makes perfect sense. So many other commenters have just been telling me I didn't read it or that it's important but not explaining any reasoning it might help. I guess with that info they could learn about times and locations to ramp up security and find trends which could help existing investigations…
Well I've read the purpose of the system. I know what it does...I just don't see how it helps anything. If you don't know anymore yourself thats fine. No one has been able to explain to me why the reporting is important other than reporting is already low. Thats a fair point except the data acquired is useless…
I think you misunderstand me. I agree with you that the current systems for assisting SA victims on many colleges are flawed but they are essentially all the same. Even this method is just an internet accessible information system, not unlike many other schools. My point is that the reporting aspect is for…
I did. I admit the part about run-ins with the RA was a little ridiculous. But seriously. You read the article. You tell me what data-collection means some level of validation. To me it means nothing. Its a meaningless tool installed to save face after accusations of under reporting rape cases. In my opinion. …
Yeah looking back at my comment I realize that was a little ridiculous to assume that may happen. I still don't feel the data collection is useful without some level of validation. A report without validation is just an accusation.
thanks for the response. Good to know theres likely no legal loophole to circumnavigate the privacy of the report. Of course someone with the know-how could track these reports and use them for blackmail. Not likely but plausible depending on the web services security.
I know that, that's kinda my gripe with it. Statistics don't mean much without validation. As for the aspect providing support materials to victims, there are already plenty of ways college campuses make this material available.
Ok so why is a form necessary to provide support materials? One could easily find this information at most schools without filing an anonymous report online. Like you said its a tool for keeping statistics. What purpose does that data provide when its both anonymous and unconfirmed? Its a tool used for publicity…
Ok Ok...Ill be the bad guy.
Maybe he was just describing that they were teenage because he's telling the whole story. IE, it doesn't suffice to say...
A totally banal crime committed by totally average (but laughably disadvantaged) people that we can fake be outraged at.
What is the point of your question? Why am I even bothering to respond to it? Why does Jezebel post things online? Will the real Doug Barry please stand up? Can I make it through this day without snarking on a single comment?
The best part...the interviewer just pressed her about the perfect guy and made a move. Did he even notice she insulted his culture?