StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

...Why didn’t she just take off the pin ? She was there on behalf of a client, right?

Unreal. A 2 & 1/2 minute trailer from a film that is set in the Nineteen-Teens and people are losing their minds that it’s not “diverse” enough? No Wonder Trump’s gonna win the Presidency.

World War I, and that conflict was even more white.

Pedantic here: it’s actually WW I.

Believe me I have...the Harlem hellfighters were a minuscule percentage of American troops deployed...

...were a small number of people in a huge war and you really don’t think it would look incredibly forced if they were included?

You want more diversity in a movie taking place in the trenches of WWI?

It's WW II Europe get over it...

Whoa her life is really depressing. That’s some old Hollywood studio contract crazy shit.

Britney cannot buy that car. Not on her own.

HOT TAKE: I think Kim and Kanye are cute together. Sure, they are both absolutely insane, but they seem really supportive of each other and I buy it.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

Personally, I’m glad that she did this. It was rather unprecedented for her to remark upon a presidential candidate, and regardless of how I feel about that shitstain Trump it just gave people even more ammunition. She has chosen to be the bigger person, and it’s yet another reason I adore her.

omg can you imagine how much more epic Bennifer would have been if social media were a thing then??

Those two were sexy

If you’re Batfleck, it always ends with you banging the nanny.

She is shooting music video and he is playing her only lover left alive.

Of course it's not just her— she has to think about her entire crew. I'm sure there are many young women of childbearing age in her show.

Amber is in for a long, hard journey. My ex-husband isn’t famous, but no one wanted to believe he was abusive and buying underage girls because he’s an MD. Even though he told me exactly how he planned to kill me, a judge denied me a restraining order because “He’s a doctor!”