StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Garner seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and is more frugal than other celebrity mothers. She probably had a Groupon.

Getting ready for a party at Bryan Singer's mansion.

I'm no Avril fan but she's getting a lot of heat for doing the same crappy cultural fetishization Gwen Stefani and Katy Perry have done in the past. Avril is an easier target, I suppose, being 1/2 of the lamest celebrity couple pairing possible, but still.... I don't think she deserves to be called a racist.

Now playing

I love his Shit Italian Mothers Say clips. It's exactly like my Nana, Mother and Aunt.

Since Corey Feldman was a tween drugged and abused by Hollywood players, in response to the Bryan Singer information, I'm going to give his single a YouTube view. It's the least I could do.

$8500 for 10 hours work? Must be a cabana boy at a Bryan Singer party.

Gretchen Mol.

She should have slept with them. Then I might know who she is.

So I guess the trial run of being Tom Cruise's Xenu-bride didn't work out. Bet her Masterson brother ex boyfriend who high up in the $cientology ranks threw a wrench in it. Even second generation OT-IIIs get jealous.

The table is first.

I love his Shit Italian Mothers Say videos. Whenever I get homesick, I pop on the videos because I swear he must be spoofing my family.

Fuck, there goes another foodstuff I can't eat. RIP Jelly Belly, you're dead to me.

I went to a bullying seminar at my daughter's school last fall. The "expert" told us that the only way to defeat a bully is to "buy" them. What kind of message does that send my child? Give gifts to the person who physically and/or psychologically abuses you. Yeah, that won't be problematic in the future at all.

I'm a Veteran with PTSD who works at the VA as a therapist for other Veterans with PTSD. I feel like a fraud too, especially when I wake straight into a panic attack —- but I remind myself of the people I've helped. That gets me through those types. I'm excellent at my work but pretty shitty at real life.

Vespa scooter gang.

She employs a staff of professionals to watch her children.

An occasional glass of wine is fine during pregnancy.


I do.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this —— I'm so over this Tavi kid.