StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

So has anyone gone by this scene by scene to debunk it? Like they do with those 9/11 truth movies.

Wouldn't it be awesome if Taylor was in a love triangle with Lena D. and her boyfriend, Jack Antonoff.

Do not look at Shia's dong.

Didn't she warn us about this?

Have they apologized to the "comfort women" of Guam and the Philippines too?

It would be neat to have every now and then a Retro Dirt Bag. What was the gossip on June 18, 1983? March 12, 1967?

Oddly, I find Dax so sexy.

All of the above.

I heard Avril and Chad on Howard Stern this morning (not proud of listening) and I was pleasantly surprised by how genuine of a couple they were on the show. Also, I hate to admit it, but I liked her acoustic version of some of her pop tunes that she sang this morning.

Fell asleep in the driveway? Sounds like someone was driving drunk/buzzed.

Science, bitches!

"I hide nothing from my son. He's seen my Playboy. He's seen my tapes. He sees everything." - Anna Nicole.

Even the anti-vax community dislikes Jenny McCarthy.

I always get these two mixed up.

I've never seen imagery of my cervix. Is that unusual?

I don't watch much porn, but I'm comfortable to admit that I do.... Anyways, I once came across a porn clip (I'm not paying for that, LOL) starring him and it was hot. Never found it again and it will always be my porn white whale. I'll watch free clips of this GoT online though.

I'm confused... per her blog post this issue went all the way up the HR chain of command. Why didn't any of these people report the rape???!

She looks like she has JBF'd hair and is doing the walk of shame to her car.

I'm not really sure how shaking your ass is girl power?

I have problems with 'should of/should have' too, Miley. I write 'should have' with no issue, but I still say 'should of' in casual (non-professional) talk.