Blind Items do a great service because they prep us for the news in advance.
Blind Items do a great service because they prep us for the news in advance.
Sadly, I have someone in my life that reminded me so much of Isla Fisher's character.
I watched it on iTunes two weeks ago and enjoyed it.
Since the blinds about their separation are true, I wonder if the ones about him sleeping with Christina Applegate are true too?
Nothing wrong with dumpster diving. A friend and I hit the nursery/garden center's trash and score some pretty awesome perennials. My garden is fucking wicked.
A sequel to Before Sunset and Before Sunrise? This should have been the lead story and not Honey Boo Boo.
Beating your kid to stay on the blanket is child abuse, IMO.
More like: "Watch a man not clean his apartment in 12 years"
The sons have choice in that family. The girls do not. I am neither sexist or ignorant.
Thank you for posting this. The masses have fetishized this family but in reality Jim and Michelle are very sick and abusive people who should not be celebrated. Look into their "blanket training" of their toddlers. I hope at least one of their daughters escapes the compound and leads life on her own terms.
Yes, he's a real piece of shit who isn't deserving of a comeback.
Yeah, Rachel bugs, but she's pretty much the reason why the show exists and Fox/Ryan Murphy have made bazillions on iTunes. Her diva behavior is warranted and deserved. Kate Hudson hasn't made a $100m film since 2003's 'How to Lose a Guy in 100 Days'. Quit complaining Kate and enjoy the comeback.
Lea Michele has carried an entire series for 3 years. Kate Hudson can't even carry a bag. STFU, lady.
As the saying goes... "If he cheated with you, he'll be cheating on you."
Surely this warrants a full article and not a tweet or whatever this is.
Blind item that the internets say is about Amy Poehler and Will Arnett.... What does Jezzie think?
Catelynn and Tyler did not finish a full year at Baker.
Judging by that picture and the one above, looks like the storm damage actually did them a favor. The front facade remains intact. Now they're able to rebuild the house to their desires and modern needs while the charm of the front remains the same.
I don't have the heart to joke about it or post a funny gif.