He'd probably beat her and lock her away in their 'Prayer Closet', which isn't cool at all. Abusive fucks.
He'd probably beat her and lock her away in their 'Prayer Closet', which isn't cool at all. Abusive fucks.
I thought Ellen Page was a lesbian.
How is your mother's health?
I wonder if she was the victim of sexual abuse and the scene was a trigger?
I think Michael Jackson's kid is part Corey Feldman.... Check out this vid of Feldman on Howard Stern in 1992...
I wouldn't be surprised.
'Crush with Eyeliner' and 'Country Feedback'.
I saw pics where there was a 17'+ (or 21') moving truck, plus the U-Haul. I figure she (or he?) hired a moving company and there wasn't enough space in their truck, so someone ran and rented a U-Haul for the remaining items.
Well, to be fair, Billy Corgan, Michael Stipe and, of course, Kurt Cobain, have written songs about Courtney.
Maybe he can give Robert Pattinson some pet custody advice.
He was Marilyn Manson's cat too.
How many LV wafflemakers will Kanye and Kim get at the wedding?
Plastic surgery? Whaaaat? No way.
I swear, she hasn't aged a bit since I first saw them in '94. Meanwhile, my body...
Cave paintings were probably some form of sexual communication/"sexting". Like, "look at all the bison I have killed. Let's fuck."
You're so on point with that. Totally forgot about that movie.
May have been when they were fucking?
Back in 2009, there were some blind items that suggested Hamm was messing around with Kristen Wigg or Tina Fey. Wiig and her husband divorced shortly after.
There should be a video for when the mania turns to crippling depression.