StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I will totally watch that movie where Adam Sandler plays Any Samberg's dirtbag father — when it hits Netflix.

Me too.

That was the best bit from the 2011-2012 season.

You do not want a celebrity pregnancy buddy because we they bounce back to their prebaby weight/body at lightening speed, you'll feel like crap.

I like second, third, or forth baby showers and don't see it as entitlement. Guess it depends on the culture you're from. Each kiddo should be celebrated. Of course, the amount you spend drops significantly between subsequent children.

Now playing

Um, how could this bear thing be posted without this as a companion?

Fools and their money, easily parted. $1,000? $10,000? $100,000? All huge wastes of cash.

Oh, where can I get one of those.

China? Middle East? You're a double agent. Stop slandering Amerika's glorious corn!!!!

I saw a cute bag of hers too, but as soon as I saw her name on it, I put the bag down. Sorry, Jessica Simpson is not a "brand" that I want.

No $3 million Weight Watchers deal for that baby.

Smug vegetarians are affected too. Water cycle, booyah.

Not even Captain Planet can help us now.

Just like Nolan needs 300% more collar.

Starships were meant to Bi!

Is this intentional?

"I've always wanted to get as close to an experience as I could."

I cannot unsee that photo. Ever. I need to hold on tightly to the 1990s Matthew Fox that I like to keep in my mind.

Some Brit musicians in the 1960s paid nearly 95% in taxes. Cite: George Harrison/The Beatles "Taxman".