StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Would she have the same support if she found out a teen was a lesbian on FB and canceled her session?

Jennifer Hudson's quote breaks my heart.

He's pretty tame these days.

I lost my first adult love to suicide over a decade ago. This song makes me think about him so much. Damn you, Gaga!

I'm really happy the cover wasn't white-washed.

I didn't watch the clip, but the video screencap doesn't give the appearance that she's happy to see her husband. Or, she's a graduate of the Sam Ronson School of Modeling.

I'd love to see reruns of the first three seasons of The Real World. All the cast members seemed to have purpose and motivation outside of wanting to be celebrities. Writers, musicians, med students, activists, Republicans, Democrats, Pucks....

I also have a problem with the portrayal of vampires on True Blood. I once fucked one down by the pond, and he finished before we got back to the house. Ugh.

Notarized? Oh man. First, the girl needs to go tell her parents... Then, they all have to pile in the family minivan and go to Kinkos to have the abortion paperwork notarized by a (judgmental) stranger.

Of course Jennifer Grey loves the idea of a remake — they might throw a supporting role her way. She can be one of the yentas that Johnny gives dance "lessons" to before he gets involved with Baby.

That's why I love the internets.

I totally misread the headline as "Ali Lohan Scores contract, as in Scores the strip club.

Schwarzenegger really brings the dirt bag to Dirt Bag tonight.

You have a future in television, kid!

It's almost time for another gay scent remover baby. What does it say in Katie Holmes contract?

I really thought Charlie Sheen's character would die while having sex with a mule or something.

She was hired to be a caregiver for Uma's children. Of course Ethan did wrong too - but - she could have been a professional and resigned from her employment and then pursued a further relationshop with Hawke. So, yeah, she did Uma wrong because when you're a working mother you put a lot of trust into the woman

Is that Ethan Hawke's wife or Samantha Ronson?

Sign of respect? I don't see anyone calling MLK Jr., Nelson Mendela, Thurgood Marshall or President Obama "nigga" as a sign of respect. STFU, 50.