StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I've been a Griffin fan for years, but I really don't care for the bullying of kids, even if the surname is Palin.

The Brand is broke and nearly defunct. I'm surprised he had the money for the ring — unless it is CZ.

@Legs: The song is fun and would have been a huge hit if it was sold to Katy Perry or some other poplet.

@18thfloor: I'll never make membership here for posting this, but I enjoyed Hilton's 'Stars are Blind'.

Are Caitlynn and Tyler also receiving $140,000 every 6 months? Maybe they can donate their scholarship fund to the brave young women of the MTV abortion special.

Will MTV be brave enough to air the special during primetime?

May nothing happen to these honest, brave young women at the hands of "Christians."

Haven't there been tons of blind items over the years that suggest that Jennifer Aniston has feminine odor problems?

It's a Christmas miracle!

I wonder if Nicole has a fear in the back of her mind that Sunday will one day be kept from her like her other two children are.

@MissCrankypants: There was that set of provactive nudes where she posed with the needle in her arm.

What if she was never a heroin addict?

I'm so torn on this issue. Help me.

BDSM-friendly leather face masks for spring and summer, you say? Linen would really be the way to go. I cannot imagine leather on my face in the 100-degree heat.

Paved paradise. Put up a parking lot.