
+1 to you sir.

The F70's rear looks surprised!

Agreed, seems like a disappointing omission.

And now for some lost sales as I'm too scared to pick anything up off the shelf and have it announced to the whole store. Utterly counter-productive.

If you pee on your phone now I won't need the technology to tell you you're sick.

On the current ad, 2nd picture down you can see its a flared bonnet.

Thank you for an interesting read. My wife doesn't particular get games but she does seem to enjoy watching me play and shouting at me to fire the imaginary rocket launcher my character doesn't have. I'm hesitant to get her to start playing with me more but Left4Dead 2 seems to go down well for some reason. After this

They've fooled you there. That's the old one...

No interior shots, all caps, and he spells "truly" as "truley". Run, run a mile...

That's against the US gallon. Wouldn't be much use comparing otherwise :)

Have you seen what happens to cheap fake gold over time?

The Thin Men are re-imagined Snakemen.

So an accounting team miss a giant pit of despair in the middle of the other party's figures, and its the CEO's fault? Executives act on information received, they can't possibly have checked every figure themselves, get a grip.

Airliner designers go on to be Porsche designers.

There's a moment in Cars 2 where they encounter a store owner with eyes in the headlights. It does look rather odd in comparison...

+1 to you sir.

I would of put in an overly long diatribe littered with venom for android and disgust at the iOS platform, but I figured that was largely unnecessary and you'd get my point much quicker with a succinct sentence or two (plus I quite like my iPad). No pleasing some people.

Lumia 920. No issues whatsoever. Possibly the best phone I've ever had!

Are you not entertained?