I don't know about "awesome" Shadow gameplay, but in retrospect, I guess it at least tried, before Naka jumped ship.
I don't know about "awesome" Shadow gameplay, but in retrospect, I guess it at least tried, before Naka jumped ship.
No, Capcom; now I'm taking -YOU- for a ride.
Shop contest shoe-in.
Yeah, I'm just jolting for the sake of sparking conversation, not so much analyzing.
Stylized Kratos?
I was so hyped for this game back in the day.
Sonic '06. Not only was it barely "meh", it was a huge let down from whatever was hyped. I'd say "Black Knight" was the worst, but I didn't even bother touching it.
Crazy thing is? I use this particular image for anything I'm either laid back about or just for the sake of that lovable beatnik.
It's definitely lacking in any GOOD qualities.
I'd rather spend a Sunday afternoon playing Labyrinth than go back to '06.
That said, Tekken x Street Fighter already sounds more promising as far as content goes.
Sonic '06. I still stand by that.
...unless he was making a small jab at the cop. [/context]
Look, I'm not a huge EVA fan either, but this is going a bit far, man...
Since Digital Wolf's response was too short, this is kinda to him and anyone wondering:
Bingo. Which in itself is literally taken from standard shotokahn karate.
I dunno. Eddie's voice definitely stood out a lot for me in Tricky.
And "louder" voices.
The addition of Rent-A-Hero makes this game stand out in my heart.