Where's that promote button?
Where's that promote button?
Well, well, well... The Plot Thickens...
@Ruu27: Nothing tops SG1, especially the Cinemax seasons. Real top notch TV there!
@gundaman: The only thing worth watching on SyFy is W13, Eureka or Sanctuary if you like any of those series. Maybe Being Human if that doesn't suck... But thats the extent of their original programming that I can think of offhand.
While it took a while getting use to the non-SG1/SGA feel of the show, I believe it has finally started to get to a point where its been good! I do hope it can continue, in fact if they could be the first successful TV-to-WebOnly show transition, I'd be more than happy to buy from their advertizers...
@Mikeado: You, Sir, are a poet and a scholar. I wish to subscribe to your monthly Internet publication.
@DataScream: Nearly as bad as that BigHollywood writer's worst directors list from last year... *shiver!!!*
@Excalibur: Agree with Tron, Lovely Bones, and Book of Eli. I would have left Iron Man 2 off either list, and I totally agree with the last statement there...
Charlie Jane... If you don't stop this incessant Tron hate, I'm going to be hurt beyond repair... :(
@procrastinationathon: I may have overstated it in my original post. I think much of it has to do a balance between author and viewer. What's porn in Saudi Arabia is on prime-time TV in the US, and what many here consider porn in the US is just showing some skin on prime-time TV in Europe.
@grimjack28: That there's the very reason Top Gear is the most watched television series... In The World...
@punisher1135: Sorry, if you can jack off to it, its porn in my book. Same reason there's a link to Bugatti Veyron SS top speed run right next to Sasha Grey vs the Big Black Monster on my favorites.
@CorvetteBlogger: Now that is sexy! :P
You know Red Eye's been playing these clips for what seems like years, right?
Charlie Jane, I'd like to very politely, yet firmly, loudly, and wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion, especially since you stated it so as to seem as fact. *Sigh*
Is there anywhere near the east coast that projects a 70mm print of 2001 on a regular basis? I will drive halfway across the country just to watch 2001 the way it was meant to be seen.
So, this is like the Anti-Fifth Gear?
@David Kruta: Still cheaper than an Alexa body...
I sincerely beg to differ. Us Americans can buy surplus Soviet-bloc APC's for a song these days. You don't even need a special license if I remember correctly.