Of course, it's CBS....
Of course, it's CBS....
Yeah, exactly. I still love Machinarium, Amnesia etc. plus Valve's games, of course, are much better on PC, but the same still happens the other way around and because of that I'm still heavily invested in console gaming.
That's not what I was saying. I was specifically referring to the games I enjoy most getting bad treatment on PCs or just plain not getting a release on PC that makes me stick to consoles.
kingofdecadence said it best. Also, a lot of the games I enjoy either never release on PC or are just plain awful ports on PC so I'd rather have my consoles for them. Sure, they could be made specifically for PC and be fine, but they currently are not so it gives me less of a reason to play on PC.
And here's Phantasia's from the Super Famicom
Best opening is something I haven't given huge thought too, so I won't be posting my favourite considering I'm not even sure what my favourite is, but I will post this. Hope you guys get some Bonnie Pink stuck in your heads. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you!
Twin Peaks Opening = best opening to a television show. I'm sickened by which list it's on here.
Kotaku: Now officially a Game of Thrones fansite.
Dying to see what comes of Limbo's successor. DYING!
Yeah, MoH's marketing goes on about how the game is in honor of the troops and that's what McShea was taking issue you with.
Because CoD didn't make a point in it's marketing to say that it's authentic. I think Tom McShea just got hooked on the MoH:W team marketing this as an "authentic" experience whereas other shooters of it's kind don't (to my knowledge, anyway).
The graphics were fine and all, but I'm really loving the editor!
Just found out! Awesome!
WTH!? Why not at their conference! VERY pleased though! Thank you Nintendo!
I felt Fire Emblem: Awakening was more disappointingly absent.
LOL Dammit that was too hilarious!
Looks like I'll have to reply to myself to have a say because you were likely trying to make a short enough comment so you don't hear a rebuttal. In any case, nice try. Bet you feel good about labeling me because I somehow offended you with my fair opinion. Hurt didn't it? Someone having a differing opinion so you…
That's exactly what I said to my brother the second I saw Miyamoto do that haha
Well if you are referring to what Sony showed (LoU, GOW:A, Beyond etc.), then not really. I don't gravitate to those types of games too often. I prefer their Ico Team games and Media Molecule, not to mention Journey.