Awesome for the fans! Now to get Sega to release Skies of Arcadia again! Please!
Awesome for the fans! Now to get Sega to release Skies of Arcadia again! Please!
Well that was pretty much expected...
Ah, Resonance of Fate. What an underrated delight!
I've avoided all media with regards to this game on purpose (aside from the initial screens and trailer) because based on my extreme enjoyment of Alan Wake and its DLC (played all of them 6 times through and 100 percented it all), I already knew I was going to get this, and I want to go in fresh (Frank Costanza…
Ah, good to hear. Thanks!
I really don't get what the huge craze is with the writing in these games (not that this list of fellow nominees is much better). I don't want to offend anyone, but I haven't seen many games with more cliches packed in than this trilogy.
Hopefully. One of the few things I liked about ME2 was it's environments, so it'd be a shame if ME3 lost that.
Haven't seen the concept art, but if it really does look that great, then I'm sure the game will too.
Didn't care much for this trailer at all. Not a fan of the focus on generic action and promoting the game with CGI trailers, but that aside, what happened with the scenery in a Mass Effect? I remember Mass Effect 2 having some gorgeous environments with lots of colour and variety, but a lot of the recent marketing for…
I wholeheartedly agree with you
I honestly had the most fun watching Oxeye during this event.
I think it's safe to say that playing any game you absolutely despise, from start to finish, is a very difficult achievement that was not worth it.
I don't know if this was posted on Kotaku before, but I do know I saw this last year probably through GameTrailers. Mega64 usually reposts their GameTailers skits on their youtube page few months later. So maybe you saw it on GameTrailers or something before.
I know I'm in the minority, but I also know I'm not alone. Who else feels that the original Half-Life is better than 2?
I mostly sleep face down, sometimes on my side. But apparently sleeping on your side is healthiest for your back, especially if you put a small pillow between your legs. I've tried it, it's not bad.
:D I started reading and reading and reading and as I was scrolling down, I suddenly became very sad once I saw that I started the last paragraph. Thank you, Jason Shreier, this is something I've been wishing Kotaku would have for a long time now. This reminds me of when I was subscribed to Nintendo Power and whenever…
Interesting theory. It's a shame the 3DS is failing so much 'cause I'd love to prove him wrong... Oh wait
The people that scavenge the free copies just have to be careful to not get their fingerprints on the dead carcass that the plummet back to earth will cause.
:D That's cool! So is that 10 CET a.m. ?