Dammit! RER is looking so damn good! I need it! I hope that wasn't regenerative health though. Hard to tell. It wasn't really regenerating, but they didn't really show it for long enough to tell... I really hope it's not regenerative.
Dammit! RER is looking so damn good! I need it! I hope that wasn't regenerative health though. Hard to tell. It wasn't really regenerating, but they didn't really show it for long enough to tell... I really hope it's not regenerative.
I want that Paper Mario NOW!
@Jun284: lol! It's a segment from a documentary called Baraka. The whole things is actually quite impressive.
Thought of this immediately.
@dhimango: I'm not 100% sure, but I think they are supposed to be touch sensitive analog "sticks".
With two 7-inch LCD screens and being primarily used for gaming, I would expect the battery life to not be very good. I hope that it can hold out for at least 2-hours though.
I can't speak for every game on here, but GoWIII makes me feel uneasy with it's presence.
@gpjeff: lol! Agreed. I saved it the second I saw it
@Wade McGillis: Exactly my thoughts
"that was the most exciting thing ever!!!!" ~ Andy from Sarcasmaland
@keiyakins: I think it says Windows PC Gallery.
blech, me no likey. Still, can't wait for this amazing bundle of genius... this now ugly packaged amazing bundle of genius!
@rolsenrob: I just came off watching Wild at Heart in which Freddie Jones voice was altered to be high pitch and it sounded too much like that. Also, it just sounds weird to me. I used to baby sit my 5 year old female cousin too so yes I do know what a little kids voice sounds like.
I remember reading your list last year and told myself "That's a damn cool thing to do" and I wanted to do it myself, but never did. However, I've just wrote down the games I've played in the past 3 days in notepad and I plan to keep it up all year long... This shall be interesting for me.
:S That doesn't sound like a little girl, that just sounds like an altered voice
Aawww I was hoping for a personalized move set. Still cool, though.
@Rils: Not MS's fault... I have no idea why you think it is...
Wow the XBLIG service has a bigger cap (150mb). that's appauling. There's even a 50mb cap if you want to launch your game for 1 dollar on the service. Nintendo should start thinking about upping the cap.... A LOT!
Yeah, um, SMB just came out.... N+ is couple years old....