Uh oh. I'm worried.
Uh oh. I'm worried.
aw, no second analog? I mean it's not a huge deal, but it would be nice just to have it. Imagine the amount of interest devs would have if it had two.
@kevito: same.
@TRT-X: I'm just going to reply so that your comment is linked in my recent status.
I don't know anyone personally that has trouble with 3D on a technical level, but I do know that I personally dislike the effect in general. It does little to improve the experience and overall just seems like a lame and pointless gimmick.
Nintendo is. Plain and simple.
@Shinta: Yes, I would like to get a review for Resonance of Fate. I have basically been on the edge with it since it released in March and no amounts of opinions have convinced to buy/not buy the game. Kotaku would convince me.
I've only skimmed these lists so far and I have to say, I don't see Castlevania: LoS coming out this year. Also, 2011 looks so much better than 2010 (to me). I can't wait!
I've always loved the art of these games. That cover is just plain beautiful!
Maybe there was a catch to what they were saying. Maybe they meant that there would be an additional 35-80ms added to the lag already present in any given game.
This looks like the best thing to come to Wii!
I know this will never happen and I'm already 100% certain 'Project S' isn't this, but I would love a Dawn of War II style RTS for the Gears of War franchise made by Relic. If only...
No! no! no! no! Don't touch that franchise! NO! If Square Enix ever lost it (and with their recent games I kind of think they have) they would let them make a sequel, but if SE has even an ounce of intelligence left they'd keep that franchise in the vault. Only honourable remakes, such as the DS remake, would be…
That was his experience? Something tells me the response to that quote will give him a harder time than that game.
Thank God you updated this article to include Advance Wars. It's absence was mind boggling!
@Kreedle (dotGif): Yeah:
lol! Dotgif was great, however, there already was a lego soccer game.
Time to grab my magnifying glass, now where did I leave it?... Ah, there it is... Let's see now.... wait! what!? THAT's the 360!?
lol! Star Wars: "STFU" 2 ... haha Owen
@Cake Tank!: Exactly. If I see an article about a game I don't care for I don't even bother finish reading the headline let alone go into the article and comment on it. Xeo should just ignore the TF2 posts rather than create this kind of response.