Tales is one of my top 3 favourite franchises, I do NOT want to hear this! :(
Tales is one of my top 3 favourite franchises, I do NOT want to hear this! :(
@Raven Riley: Yeah I started to notice that, but I'm still confused... because I choose to be.
Am I retarded or does it not make any sense how the towel racks are in the reflection, but not on the real wall?
@DrSaiko: Yeah, I have two as well and I plan to sell one of them for a new 360, but I'm going to wait and see if there's some nice bundles first... I might even wait as long as seeing if there will be a Gears 3 bundle (maybe even a Gears 3 themed 360) then I'd throw my old 360 at a gamestop employee and demand store…
If there is a 200 dollar model I'm quite sure it would also include the wi-fi. As for storage, I have no idea what MS is planning... it'd probably be the same as the current arcade model.
@Whompa02: Yeah, one half could have been those comments while the others could have been what I said, who knows. I'm just trying to say that the number of comments means nothing.
@PwnofProphecy: Why not get it at places like Best Buy or wal-mart or something.
@ithy-phallus: Yep, agreed. Screw the big 3, we have our winner right here!
@ninja_togo: What if half the comments said "Man, I wish Resistance 3 was there" or "Damn, why no Last Guardian?"
Hmmm, this is cool. The only thing is... I'd never trade in my harddrive. I do NOT want to lose save data for my 35+ game collection.
@Nephtes: Yeah, I was going to mention the same thing. Looks like it's the same slot for both DS and 3DS games
What if midgets want to play harder games?
@dgoeck: Yeah, they've been dating for a while.
Even with everything going against it (completely new studio and different composer) I'm still hoping this one will be good...
@Eschekt: I know what he is and that he promotes sony, but his speech failed to get the "be a fanboy of gaming" message across
I'm the only one that thought this speech failed? :( I feel so alone. He starts off by coming on stage and insulting MS (and some Canadian heritage) then essentially says that we should be fanboys of gaming in general... I just thought it was contradictory
What I Said:
I'm scared :(
@plankton88: Yup
@Sakurafire: sadness :(